About Templado

who we are

Providing assistance
in the field of nature

Templado undertakes each project with a focus nature conservation values. In each exercise, Templado assumes with care and trust all human and professional relationships that emerge from a conservation initiative. Templado has a profound respect for landowners and land managers in a conservation initiative. In the same way, Templado seeks for the best available experts in each of the technical areas required in a conservation project. By doing so, Templado gathers the necessary capacities so that the main objective, biodiversity conservation, can be achieved.

what we offer

Implementing your conservation projects

Templado can gather the needed capacities so the main goal, biodiversity conservation, may be reached. With its years of experience in a field with little development in the country, can detect the complexities of a conservation project, to look for the most applicable solutions derive from national and international experiences and to communicate the challenges straightforward to the client. 

our team

The best experts for your project

Templado specializes in management and implementation of projects, supporting its team with experts in every field needed.

Main team

Agricultural Engineer

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Agricultural Engineer

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Civil Engineer

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Forestry Engineer

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